Producer: Terry Stone
Shank is an action film,set in a decaying future London where territory is controlled by roving gangs, who battle over control of food. A young gang seek revenge against another after the death of one of their own members.
Shows characters acting violent, lawless and drug involved, doing anything necessary to get the job done. The film shows high levels gang violence, drug use and deaths in a collapsed economy that has turned London into a gang-ruled warzone.
Rotten Tomato: 'Mo Ali's futuristic knife-crime drama brings the dystopian environment of Children of Men and District 13 to London's East 17. Shank delivers a ruthless vision of forthcoming urban life, where guns have been superseded by knives and are fiercely wielded by aimless youths.'
Screen Shots

Screen shot shows young gang of boys walking down what looks to be a alley way looking threatning and serious.
By their body language you can tell they are annoyed, angry and on some sort of 'mission'. You can see one is holding a metal rod, and another has weapons straped to them and walking a dog which is clearly big and vicious as it has a nozel round its mouth suggesting that this dog is aggresive and could cause some harm.
Although they are not looking staright into the camera they all have very focused and strong facial expressions.
Some of them are carrying weapons suggesting they are going to hurt someone or vandalise something. They are all looking straight into the camera so they are directly addressing us, showing that they are not scared, not bothered about how they appear/look to people.
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