Monday 4 March 2013


Butler 'Identity is performed through expression'

Continuing on from my earlier post about this quote.
The T.V program Top Boy (2011) i am researching relates top this quote.

What is meant by this quote is that the way you act, talk, what body/facial expressions you give shows your identity.
So in the program you see black men who are from a rough estate and bad backgrouds involved in all sorts of trouble including drugs.
From the way that they talk you can tell that they have little respects for those other then thier friends/family, they feel that they have a 'higher authority' and 'rule'. They use aggressive and abusive language having little care for those aroubnd them.
From the way they act you can see they act as if they are in charge or the 'boss' of others in the gang, telling them what to do and making them earn thier trust. They act if they are inferior to others and people shopuld be scared of them even people in their 'group' including two young teenage boys who are easily infulenced and think its good to be involved. It also looks like they feel they have advantages as they use weapons such as guns and are involved in seling drugs/drug trade.
 They tend to dress in the typical clothing such as hoodies, tracksuits, jackets which are mainly dark coloured and they usually wear their hoods up suggesting they are trying to stay on the down low and keep a low profile not getting recognised etc.

1 comment:

  1. 28 Marks: C
    Content is good, and within each post is some good information, however some do lack the PEE thing (Point Evidence Explain). Also, grammar is not up to scratch in the earlier posts, which needs to be revised.
