Produced by Ronan Bennett.
British T.V drama broadcasted on channel 4. It is set in summerhouse estating in Hackney east London and follows the lives of mainly black guys involved in drug dealing and gangs.
The characters are very violent, use grotesque language and have a very typical 'working class' background.
'Portrays real life gang violence in a convincing way'.
Screen Shots

This screen shot shows four guys in a deserted field at night. As you can see three of the guys are standing in a very tough and threatening way as they surround the other guy who is the victim and has clearly been kidnapped and had his hands tied behind his back against his own will, this looks like a violent or deathly situation as the guy is helplessly on the floor outnumbered buy the other guys. By the body language you can tell the victim is scared and threatened where as the others give off the vibe that they are in charge and can do as they please. Looking at the background you can see that they are obviously in a deserted, hidden field and that they have carried this out at night to be more secretive, private and hidden, also you know its at night as they are using the lights from their car which is a van that was used to kidnap and carry out their plans for the night. They again are portraying that violent lawless image often give to young people today (especially chavs) and showing that they will go to any lengths carry out their 'missions' even if that means breaking the law

In this screen shot two guys are sat in the car with one holding a gun. The guy holding the gun is clearly pointing it at someone in a very threatening and scary way. The look on the guys face shows that he does not care about the illegal weapon he is using that could kill someone, he obviously wants to scare and make the person on the other end of the gun fear for their life and he has a very aggressive and angry facial expression showing that he means 'business' and is very serious. The two guys are in a car showing that if the guy did shoot someone they have a getaway as the driver could easy drive away from the situation as if they were never their and never committed the crime which is one of the ways a lot of young people and criminals escape from a crime they committed.
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