Chav is a stereotype and negative description commonly used, mainly in the UK. The stereotype was popularised in the Britian to refer to working-class youth subculture in England, who are lawless, violent, rude and direspectful to others around them.
They are known to wear sportswear such as Adidas, and designer clothes such as Burberry. They usually wear various bits of gold jewellery, hats and hoodies
Presentation I made on Chavs:
Images of 'Chavs':

Shows young girls wearing different bits of sportswear and jewellery, making hand gestures and holding bottles of alco-pop, which is usually seen as the drinks 'chavs' would have as they are pretty cheap and have a little percentage of alcohol in them. It looks like they might be in a club or at a party. Also the clothes they are wearing which is seen as typical 'chav' wear is unusual to wear in clubs or at parties as its very informal, scruffy and cheap. So by wearing these clothes e.g. tracksuits, trainers sports wear, singles out the people wearing them and gives them the stereotypical 'chav' image.

Group of young teenagers wearing hats/hoodies, the boys are wearing jeans or tracksuits and the girls are wearing colourful clothing such as vest tops, leggings/shorts have their hair slicked back in a pony tail and wearing various bits of jewellery. The they are posing and looking at the camera seriously may suggest they are trying to be intimidating or show anyone looking at this picture they are 'better' than them.

Shows a
group of young boys wearing hoodies covering there faces and making
hand gestures. Seeing this group could be quite threatening and would
be avoided by most people. The fact that they are wearing black could show that they avoid other colours so they blend in with the crowd or wear dark colours to be reserved and look the same as their friends or 'gang' members.

This picture is taken from the riots that happened in 2011. As you can see its mainly boys in the picture who have been commiting crimes such as theft and violence, these boys seem to have attacked someone who is helplessly on the ground surrounded by a big groups of the intimidating boys and seems to be being mugged/have possessions stolen from them but as there is a big group of them who are violent and threatening the person is left victim to them. The boys seem to be wearing dark clothing, sportswear such as tracksuits, trainers and hats, they are also covering their faces with their hoodies or scarfs etc. These things may show the boys are clearly trying to keep their identities hidden, they do not want to be noticed by others and again want to remain reserved but have a very unapproachable and frightening look to them.

Big group of teenagers, both female and males wearing different bits of jewellery sports wear such as tracksuits, trainers, jackets, hoodies. The girls are wearing bright coloured clothing and printed clothing, vest tops, most of them have their hair pushed back and are wearing big hoop earrings. The way thety are all posing and looking at the camera may suggest they 'rule' or are 'in charge' of the area/location they are in which looks to be a block of flats in the background. One guy is smoking and others ave there arms crossed and are looking away may be showing they don't care and have no interest about their surrounding etc.

Picture of
Little Britians popular character Vicky Pollard who is decribed as a 'typical
chav'. In the picture you see her wearing bright pink sports wear, gold chains,
hair half tied up with a scrunchie. Shes with a guy who is wearing a
cap, hooded jacket and posing with his arm around her with her looking at the
camera pulling a disgusted and not amused face. In the background you can also
see they could be on an estate standing by council flats which is where you'd expect to see/find 'chavs'. In the program Little Britain vicky is seen as the ultimate 'chav' who drinks and smokes and is usually dressed in bright pink Kappa tracksuit and has her hair pulled back with a scrunchie which is typical chav hairstyle as is hair slicked back in pony. She doesn't care what others think about her and is unaware of how grotesque her appearance is and thinks shes 'hot' which is what most people would say most chavs think about them selves. Also she has the 'chav' accent and speaks in an inappropriate way, always swearing, shortening words and lacking knowledge in what she says.
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